Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis

5. - 7. 10. 2018 / Prague

About HCPP18 - New Order

All-out strong polarization. Repeating tension between collectivists and individuals.
This time with a new difference: Crypto technologies. Liberating us.
Making us entirely responsible for all our decisions.

Decentralization, reputation systems, escrow services and anonymization makes the world's economy more efficient.
The massive adoption of free crypto markets will not be the result of people's need for freedom or privacy. It will be the result of their natural individual preferences.

Collectivism is new slavery. Crypto-anarchists are new abolitionists. Crypto technologies are new arms.

The natural order is the new order.










Every year we invite speakers and opinion leaders from various fields such as the freedom movement, cryptoanarchy, sharing economy, cryptocurrencies, economy, sociology, political art, hacking and much more.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Remote Talk)

Skin in the Game or How Systems Learn or Don’t Learn

Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Remote Talk)
Essayist, statistician, former trader and risk analyst

Giacomo Zucco

Trade-offs in the history of money, from shells to Bitcoin (but especially in Bitcoin)

Giacomo Zucco
Theoretical Physicist and CEO of BlockchainLab

Cody Wilson

Coming soon

Cody Wilson
Crypto-anarchist, gun-rights activist, founder/director of Defense Distributed

Tone Vays

Has the ICO bubble popped?

Tone Vays
Crypto Analyst & Derivatives Trader

Jimmy Song

Bitcoin: The Ultimate Social Justice

Jimmy Song
Bitcoin Educator, Developer and Entrepreneur

Eric Lombrozo

Scarcity in Crypto Networks

Eric Lombrozo
Cofounder and CEO of Ciphrex, Bitcoin developer

Saifedean Ammous (Remote Talk)

Government under a Bitcoin Standard

Saifedean Ammous (Remote Talk)
Author of The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking


The Project of Cryptoanarchy

Cryptoanarchist and cypherpunk

Paul Rosenberg

How A Crypto Economy Will Care For The Old, Sick and Disable

Paul Rosenberg
Co-founder of Cryptohippie and author of the Freeman’s Perspective newsletter

JW Weatherman (Remote Talk)

Smashing Bitcoin for pain and losses

JW Weatherman (Remote Talk)
Security expert, author of the Bitcoin Threat Model

Adolfo Linares

Big Lies by Big Brother. Is it Transparency or Spying?

Adolfo Linares
Lawyer and Freedom Fighter


The peace potential of cryptoanarchy

Cryptoanarchist and Researcher

Max Keidun

How to build a Bitcoin exchange and not burn in hell

Max Keidun
CEO at Hodl Hodl, CEO at Househodl

Joerg Platzer

Behind enemy lines, part 2

Joerg Platzer
Crypto economist, propagandist and demagogue

Michael Schloh von Bennewitz

Building the HCPP NFC badge

Michael Schloh von Bennewitz
Computer scientist, founder of the Monero Hardware team



Cryptographer, Hacker, Monero Research Lab

Beatriz Ramos

A world without starving artists: a new order for art

Beatriz Ramos
Social Anarchist, founder of DADA

Richard Myers

Decentralized Last Mile Communication Using Mobile Mesh Networks

Richard Myers
Decentralized Applications Engineer at goTenna

Sonja Prstec

BITNATION - Your world, your way - in a box

Sonja Prstec
Lawyer and CLO of Bitnation

Arno Pfefferling

zk-SNARK leading-edge technology - where are the limits

Arno Pfefferling
Central Europe Regional Lead in Business Development Department at HORIZEN

Todd Weaver

The Future of Computing and Why You Should Care

Todd Weaver
Founder & CEO of Purism

Amin Rafiee

The Third Industrial Revolution - Sharing Economy

Amin Rafiee
Advocate of decentralisation. Cryptoanarchist, Bio-hacker, Entrepreneur & Public Speaker

Ksenya Bellman

Unglamorous short report of a self-unbanked in the age of financial surveillance on steroids

Ksenya Bellman
Senior fomodynamics specialist at Proof of Work Media

Michael Laufer

How to torrent a pharmaceutical drug; fine sharing saves lives

Michael Laufer
Director of the Institute for Autonomous Medicine. Chief spokesperson for the Four Thieves Vinegar Collective

Lidija Zavoralova

Hack your life to freedom

Lidija Zavoralova
Performance coach, business consultant, writer

Dimi "m2049r" Divak

USER X vs UX (Designing in Darkness)

Dimi "m2049r" Divak
Hacker, Monerujo Dev, Monero contributor

Stepan Snigirev

Hardware wallets for Lightning network

Stepan Snigirev
Postdoc at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, CTO at CryptoAdvance GmbH

Matthias Tarasiewicz

New order or next order? Strategies of facelessness in the age of privacy vs. transparency

Matthias Tarasiewicz
Director of RIAT - Institute for Future Cryptoeconomics, Researcher and Technology Theorist

Austin Craig

How Cryptocurrency Helped the Starfish Beat the Spider

Austin Craig
Head of Marketing at Mainframe

Luis Cuende

DAOs are the new order

Luis Cuende
Co-founder at Aragon One

Pablo Coirolo

What makes a Jurisdiction Crypto Friendly: from Regulation to Financial Services, Immigration and Beyond

Pablo Coirolo
Entrepreneur, CEO of Light 47, Global Coordinating Node of Crypto Bay Montevideo

Dr. Maxim Orlovsky

The #FreeAI Manifesto: why anarchy should not be only for humans.

Dr. Maxim Orlovsky
Founder & Visionary at Pandora Boxchain project

Radim Kozub

Building voluntary paralel legal systems

Radim Kozub
Attorney at law and co-founder of Blockchain Legal

Pavel Urbaczka

Building voluntary paralel legal systems

Pavel Urbaczka
Attorney at law and co-founder of Blockchain Legal

Pavol Trávnik

Hacking law & Antifragility of anonymous cryptocurrencies

Pavol Trávnik
IT developer, lawyer & entrepreneur

Alena Vránová (Remote Talk)

Where Art Thou, Bitcoin?

Alena Vránová (Remote Talk)
Advisor, strategist, investor in cryptocurrencies, digital security and fintech

Vít Jedlička

Liberland, a Decentralised Autonomous Government

Vít Jedlička
Founder and first President of Free Republic Liberland

Pavla Holcová

Money Laundering

Pavla Holcová
Investigative journalist

Martin Habovštiak

Bitcoin, not blockchain

Martin Habovštiak
Voluntarist, programmer, electronics, security, cryptography enthusiast


Upcoming talks


All tickets for HCPP18 are SOLD OUT. We will not sell any tickets on the spot.
Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket, you can still buy additional merchandise in our shop.
Special thanks to a person who bought The Very Last Ticket for 1 BTC, we really appreciate it!

Ticket - Extended Sale

Only 4500CZK (~177EUR)

Previous years

Since the beginning in 2014, the congress brought together hundreds of freedom lovers, technology enthusiasts and artists. Catch a glimpse of its amazing atmosphere or check out HCPP17 - Liberate!, HCPP16 - Decentralized, HCPP15 - Blackout and HCPP14.


Official partners of this year's Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis

Main Partners


News live broadcasting partner



Paralelní Polis is a one-­of-­a-­kind nonprofit organization that brings together art, social sciences, and modern technologies. The ideas of liberty, independence, and innovative thinking and development of society are the main underlying foundations the whole project is built upon.

The project intends to remain state free as it operates entirely without support from the government, and most of the funds come from voluntary contributions of our donors and partly from commercial activities such as running a unique co­working space and the world's first bitcoin-­only cafe.

It was founded by members of a contemporary-­art group Ztohoven, and Slovak and Czech hacker­spaces. Its main goal is to promote economic, social and digital freedom. We try to be a vocal voice of freedom in order to shape the public discourse, and ultimately work towards a freer future.


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Paralelní Polis, Dělnická 43, Praha 7, Czech Republic